Two years after, Soundcity, P Square settle beef

         Two years after, Soundcity, P Square settle beef

24 months after Sound City and the pair of P Square got enmeshed in a face-off which saw the music channel placing a ban on playing the songs or videos of the pair, both parties have now settled whatever differences harbored in the past.
Confirming the development, Olamide Adedeji, the channel manager of Sound City revealed in an interview that both parties have decided to let go of whatever grouse they both may have concealed as everything has been settled.
“It was just some sort of miscommunication, which was rather unfortunate at that time. Thankfully, all of this has been resolved and we are doing well now. We needed a talent to do something for us at that time, there was some sort of miscommunication along the line and we didn’t get to agree on certain figures, and that was it.” Adedeji said.
Continuing, he added that; “This happened in December 2015 actually, so we were quite surprised to see the issue come up in September 2016, leading to an outburst online which interestingly was very weird. P-Square had made their decision and we as a brand also made ours, so it ended that. However, we have been able to resolve our differences and P-Square have been enjoying a lot of airplay on our channel”.
Recall in December 2014 that Sound City invited P Square to one of their annual events insisting they pay a certain amount of money but the pair disagreed with the amount offered by Sound City with Jude Okoye (P Square’s manager) at the time asking Sound City “what they had done for P Square?”
It was then that the management of Sound City which had been supporting P Square for over 10-years in the belief that the relationship they once had was a mutually beneficial one, took the decision to stop airing musical videos of P Square since January 2015.


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