Alcoholic mother who hosted naked Twister party with teen daughter won’t face jail

Rachel Lehnardt, 35, was sentenced to six years’ probation and $600 in fines for charges stemming from a 2015 party she threw for her 16-year-old daughter and her teen friends at her Evans home.

A Georgia mother who hosted a naked Twister sex party for her teen daughter and friends last year won’t face jail time.
 Rachel Lehnardt, 35, was sentenced to six years’ probation and $600 in fines for charges stemming from a 2015 party she threw for her 16-year-old daughter and her teen friends at her Evans home.
According to the Police report Lehnardt told her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor of a wild night in April that led to the mother losing custody of her children.Lehnardt told her sponsor that her 16-year-old daughter was at her father’s house when she texted her mom to ask if she could come over with some friends to “party,” according to the police report. Lehnardt responded “come on, let’s party.”
Lehnardt told her sponsor she allowed the teens to smoke pot and drink booze in her home. The mother also joined the group in a game of naked Twister. According to the police report, the mother left the game to have sex with an 18-year-old in the bathroom.
The report said Lehnardt awoke around 3:30 a.m. to find her daughter’s 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her.
Lehnardt was charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors. No sexual assault charges were filed as a result of the party.
According to WRDW 12 the mother was sentenced under the first offender act and must comply with drug and alcohol counseling and treatment.
 Lenhardt’s attorney released a statement last year saying some of the sponsor’s allegations were exaggerated.
Here’s the statement published by the news station:
“Mrs. Lehnardt acknowledges that due to recent alcohol abuse she engaged in several acts of inappropriate conduct. Although, many of the allegations are exaggerated, she is extremely remorseful for what she allowed to occur in her presence and is obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure that this conduct is never repeated. Mrs. Lehnardt intends to fully cooperate with the legal system to accept complete responsibility for her conduct and to fully atone for her actions. However, at no time did Mrs. Lehnardt sponsor or facilitate a party for underage minors.
Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family. She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example as to just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.
In regards to the connection this case has with Alcoholics Anonymous, Mrs. Lehnardt continues to participate in and strongly believes in the program. She truly regrets any negative media coverage that this matter may have had on the organization.”

















































































































































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